A response to the Trump Administration's closing of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), an essential way to safeguard consumers against financial injustice.
Dēmos releases the Power Scorecard, a groundbreaking state-by-state snapshot of economic, civic, and political conditions that are conducive to building economic and political power for people.
The Whole Home Repairs Campaign illustrates the power of organizing and community-involved decision-making in addressing the state’s ongoing housing crisis
"By undermining the power of federal agencies, the Court has supercharged a new battlefield for anti-regulation interests to attack our labor, consumer, and civil rights regulations."
Today's ruling is a powerful affirmation: the CFPB stands as a fortress against financial predators, especially crucial for communities of color battered by decades of discriminatory banking practices.
"The Supreme Court's decision is another boulder on the chests of millions of Americans burdened by the suffocating weight of lifelong student loan debt."
Raising the debt ceiling cannot come at the expense of workers, especially those workers who are finally getting a foothold in the labor market; some for the first time ever
"Any action, plan, or agenda not rooted in equity to address the student loan debt crisis undermines America’s legitimacy in being a world leader that truly cares about the future of its people."
“The state of the union will be strong as long as the Biden Administration focuses on an agenda that creates a just economy and strengthens our democracy.”