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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

Public-sector jobs in Massachusetts are more likely than private-sector jobs to be good jobs that provide a family-supporting income and wealth-building benefits. They need to be preserved.

Algernon Austin

Generations of black women have learned to be solution-oriented and resourceful, often ‘making a way out of no way,’ and their political participation is part of a history of survival.

Charly Carter
Carol Lautier, Ph.D.

How we work every day to operationalize within our organization the racial equity and inclusion that we seek to advance in our country.

Heather C. McGhee
Lucy Mayo
Angela Park

How and why justice is not blind in our nation's courts and what we can do about it.

Connie M. Razza

Demos requests that the Department of Justice investigate a potential violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by the President of the United States.

Our elections are fairer—and our democracy works better—when politicians listen to the entire public instead of only to big donors. A review of donations from individuals to Mayoral and City Council races in 2015 and 2016 shows that those who contribute to campaigns—and therefore are more likely to

The dynamics of unstable pay at Marriott and high-cost lending by its affiliated credit union take the income disparities between Marriott’s predominantly black and Latino workforce and its overwhelmingly white corporate leadership and enable them to metastasize into growing disparities in wealth. 

Amy Traub
Julia Gunn

A Policy and Messaging Guide for States to Make Higher Education Affordable Again

Mark Huelsman

Advocates and policymakers are frequently asked how they plan to pay for progressive policy investments. This memo provides guidance on how to respond.

Amy Traub

An outline of Demos' approach to engaging across climate and equity issues, their respective fields, and partners working in the fields.
