
These best practices, data, and examples come from our nearly two decades of experience supporting state agencies to engage in voter registration under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Related Research

Toward a More Representative Electorate

Years of experience conducting voter registration at state agencies shows the tremendous potential for impact of federal agency voter registration. In demonstrating the impact of the NVRA in the states, this report suggests that robust voter registration at federal agencies would further close racialized and income-based registration gaps and advance a more inclusive democracy.


Federal Agency Voter Registration Estimates of Annual Impact

The potential impact of effective implementation of the executive order is significant. In this fact sheet, we estimate the number of new or updated voter registrations that could be generated each year, if several key federal agencies make the most of the directive in this executive order and create high-quality voter registration opportunities for the eligible people they serve.

We find that effective implementation of the voting access executive order at key agencies could result in approximately 3.4 million new or updated voter registrations per year. These findings demonstrate the need for robust implementation of the voting access executive order by these key agencies (and others). This can be achieved if agencies that have already made strong public commitments related to voter registration and voting access follow through on their commitments, and those who have not yet committed to high-impact activities make and swiftly follow through on such pledges.

Download the full factsheet to learn more


Best Practices for Federal Agency Voter Registration

Detailed guidance on how to conduct effective voter registration at federal agenciesbased on lessons from state agency voter registration via the NVRA, for agency staff engaged in the implementation of the Voting Executive Order.

Voter Registration Responsibilities of Designated Federal Agencies

This document details the specific legal requirements for federal agencies designated as voter registration sites under the NVRA, and it provides detailed guidance on how these designated federal agencies should implement these required voter registration services.

It draws on the many years of experience of state agency-based voter registration and includes examples of processes from many states such as Arkansas, Arkansas, California, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Louisiana, New Mexico and North Carolina.

Download the PDF

Federal Agency Voter Registration is Nonpartisan

Explanation of why voter registration at agencies—both state and federal—is strictly nonpartisan and sample training materials for agency staff.

How States Can Lead to Advance Voter Registration at Federal Agencies

Voter registration operates as a tool of racist voter suppression and has long been weaponized to silence communities of color.  Advocates and Election Officials in states have the opportunity to change this by designating federal agencies in their states as sites of voter registration.

Additional Reading

The Voting Access Executive Order Can Strengthen Our Democracy But Only if Agencies Act Now

How and why federal agencies can take meaningful actions to ensure the people they serve—young people, Native Americans, new Americans, veterans, people who make low incomes, people of color—can exercise their fundamental right to vote.

Millions to the Polls: National Voter Registration Act & Expansion

An overview of how to expand effectiveness of the National Voter Registration Act