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Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
Every inch of progress, from emancipation to voting rights, seemed impossible until grassroots organizing and advocacy made it inevitable
Press release/statement
The Supreme Court
Court Reverses Course, Rejects Extreme Gerrymandering Map It Approved for 2022 Elections
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
Redesigned Pride Flag
"In this month of community and celebration, let us stand in love, solidarity, and power together to protect the rights and freedoms of all facets of LGBTQ+ life.”
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
The US Capitol Building at night
“In order to build an America where a multi-racial majority can thrive, we must abolish the debt ceiling.”
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
Avalon Betts-Gaston at a microphone (via The 19th)
“In their genesis, they’re about preventing Black people in the South from voting. So especially in our pursuit of a multiracial, inclusive democracy, these laws can’t exist.”
In the media
Barbara Rodriguez
Angela Hanks with Background
“It’s overly simplistic — and wrongheaded economic policy — to simply focus on budget cuts without considering the costs.”
In the media
Paul Waldman
Black woman at a protest, holding up a sign of a neon black fist
Since this country’s founding, Black and brown women have been America’s safety net. Both at home and abroad, our underpaid and unpaid labor are the building blocks that allow America to thrive.
In the media
Taifa Smith Butler
New York Stock Exchange from the ground
“The government has not asked questions of the banks for this latest bailout—protecting the priorities of banks and shareholders. But for the rest of us, not so much.”
In the media
Rickey Gard Diamond
Organizer standing in front of a class of future organizers
"Supporting year-round civic engagement provides an entry point for communities to begin to engage more intentionally with the political system at the local, state, and federal levels."
In the media
Nandita Raghuram
A diverse group of people voting at the local community center
These wins are a reminder to the nation that rights for some but not for all is not how we build an inclusive democracy.
Ilana Novick