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Image of a hand lowering a voter registration sheet into an orange box with stacks of voter registration papers on both sides

Dēmos examines ballot access issues, voter suppression in AZ, GA, OH, CA, IN, WI, MI, NC, TX, LA 

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The result of all this has been that many of today's young people--again, especially the poor, those with less education and people of color--have a measurably harder road to travel than their generational elders, according to "The Economic State of Young America," a report published in spring 2008
In the media
Lizzy Ratner
Last week, the Same Day Registration Act was introduced by Senator Russ Feingold ( S.1986) and Congressman Keith Ellison ( H.R. 3957) requiring states to provide for same day registration ( SDR).
In the media
Katrina Vanden Heuvel
New York — Dramatic increases in low-income voter registrations at public assistance agencies have occurred recently in five states that have taken steps to improve their compliance with a requirement of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), according to a new report by Demos, a non-partisan
Press release/statement
Washington, DC — Today, thousands of Americans are gathering on the streets of Chicago to march against financial service industry excess that has cost the American taxpayers trillions of dollars, destabilized the economy and undermined the stability of millions of US households. In response to the
Press release/statement
Those most likely to be harmed by higher borrowing costs are consumers who are relying on their credit cards to carry them through the economic downturn. According to Demos, a nonpartisan research and advocacy organization, most low- and middle-income households with high debt-stress levels -- the
In the media
Jamie Lau
Claims That Lower Public Agency Registration Caused by Welfare Reform Rather Than Poor Implementation Undermined
Press release/statement
New York, NY — A growing number of young students are turning to more affordable community colleges for their higher education, but only an alarming two out of five finish a degree within six years of enrollment, according to a new report published today.
Press release/statement
Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Paul Kirk will become the 60th Democratic vote in the Senate and the first new Massachusetts senator in a quarter-century on Friday, unless a state court intervenes. State Republicans are fighting the appointment, but Republicans in Washington indicated
In the media
Aaron Blake
First Use of New Optical Scan Ballots, Other Issues In Focus for September 15 Primary
Press release/statement
Brenda Wright, Director of Democracy Program at Demos, has posted some insights at the American Constitution Society's blog on the big campaign finance case, Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, to be argued before the Supreme Court tomorrow. Here's her take...
In the media
Daphne Eviatar