A response to the Trump Administration's closing of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), an essential way to safeguard consumers against financial injustice.
In a fair tax system, everyone pays their fair share, no one pays more than they can afford, and the government raises enough money to fund public goods that benefit us all, like education, housing, transportation, and health care. But the current tax code is inequitable.
A successful union drive at a bus manufacturing company demonstrates how employers listen to their workers much better when their public funding is on the line.
Leaders must reject false choices rooted in the idea that social and economic advancement is a zero-sum game or that working-class people must spar over scraps while all the spoils go to the elite few.
This resource guide is intended to help advocates and local leaders make common-sense improvements to current voter removal practices and oppose bad bills that limit access to the ballot.
These executive actions are a clear signal of this administration’s enduring hostility toward the fundamental right to vote, citizenship for immigrants, and empowered workers.
The concurrence of today’s presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King Jr. Day underscores the promise of the multiracial democracy Dr. King envisioned and highlights the stark test our country is about to embark on.
Discover how state and local policies can effectively protect workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively. This brief examines approaches to worker protection through federal funding opportunities and provides real-world examples of successful policy implementation by workers and
Dēmos and New Economy Project explore how public banking can expand opportunities for communities of color to build shared generational and community wealth.
Dēmos releases the Power Scorecard, a groundbreaking state-by-state snapshot of economic, civic, and political conditions that are conducive to building economic and political power for people.