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A bill that aims to “prohibit discrimination based on one’s consumer credit history” by banning employers from doing credit checks on job applicants will be the subject of a City Council hearing set for 10 a.m. Sept. 12 at City Hall. [...] According to an article by Amy Traub titled “Discredited
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Kaycia Sailsman
A tool that will clarify and measure the way policy reinforces racial disparities.
Catherine Ruetschlin
President Obama should sign a Good Jobs executive order to encourage contractors to improve workplace benefits and respect their employees’ rights to bargain collectively.
Amy Traub
Workers at many of the nation’s largest and most profitable employers struggle to get enough work hours (and sufficiently stable hours) to make ends meet, making fair scheduling as important as raising wages for millions of workers.
Amy Traub
In May 2013, low-wage workers in federal buildings in Washington began walking off the job in a series of one-day strikes. Employed by concessionaires and janitorial contractors at places like the Smithsonian and the Ronald Reagan Building, the workers said their rock-bottom wages weren't enough to
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Dave Jamieson
Today, President Obama will sign an Executive Order that will encourage federal agencies to not contract with companies that violate labor laws, and require federal contractors to disclose any record of wage, labor and anti-discrimination law violations.
Press release/statement
When Walmart pays its workers so little that they need food stamps to survive, they're also investing in a steady profit stream. Even though their prices are roughly the same or even more than their local competition, Walmart's excessive marketing of "low prices" makes them a first-choice
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Carl Gibson
On Tuesday morning, for the ninth time in less than a year and half, low-wage employees working for federal contractors are going on strike.
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Ned Resnikoff
On Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto, Demos Policy Analyst Catherine Ruetschlin explains why ending just-in-time and erratic scheduling leads t
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What if the poor need more than disposable income to escape poverty? What if they need a life coach?
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Jamelle Bouie