A successful union drive at a bus manufacturing company demonstrates how employers listen to their workers much better when their public funding is on the line.
Explores one Vietnamese family's journey of overcoming language challenges and navigating a complex voting process to help their mom vote for the first time.
This women’s history month, we celebrate Acting Secretary Julie Su’s leadership and call on the Senate to stop this egregious delay and confirm her as nominee.
The legacy of Black voter empowerment continues from historic trailblazers like Ida B. Wells-Barnett through to contemporary grassroots organizers like BLOC and Detroit Action.
Dēmos strongly supports updating federal regulations to restore and extend overtime protections. However, we urge the Department to finalize a stronger rule than the one proposed.
For too long, Black and brown people have been kept out of the promise of our democracy. If we are serious about building a just, multiracial democracy, we must restore the VRA and expand opportunities for participation in our democracy.
How this Executive Order can be a tool to fight voter suppression, and why President Biden and the agencies cannot waste any more time in seeing it through.