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JP Morgan Chase has now been hit with a total of $20 billion in fines and restitution for a variety of misdeeds over the past decade -- a record total by far for any business. Is the bank reeling in shame and pain? Has it gotten rid of the CEO who incurred all those penalties? Has its stock sunk to historic new lows?
No, no, and no.
The bank's stock price is actually higher now that it was before this avalanche of fines began -- indeed, the stock is near a five-year high.
When fast food workers went on strike recently in Washington State, they weren't just protesting low wages. They were also protesting the lack of enough work hours and reliable schedules.
Like low-wage employers everywhere, restaurant chains in Washington go to great lengths to limit their workers to under 30 hours a week. Once an employee goes over that threshold, they qualify for benefits that even low road employers feel they have must offer.
Why the Court's decision to limit the EPA's power to regulate water access is yet another case of eroding the power of the other branches of government at the expense of Black and brown people.
"The Supreme Court's decision is another boulder on the chests of millions of Americans burdened by the suffocating weight of lifelong student loan debt."
We are glad that the Court ruled today in favor of our democracy and took the opportunity to firmly shut down any future arguments around this theory not rooted in law or precedent.
For too long, Black and brown people have been kept out of the promise of our democracy. If we are serious about building a just, multiracial democracy, we must restore the VRA and expand opportunities for participation in our democracy.