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Image of a hand lowering a voter registration sheet into an orange box with stacks of voter registration papers on both sides

Dēmos examines ballot access issues, voter suppression in AZ, GA, OH, CA, IN, WI, MI, NC, TX, LA 

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Caleb Gibson, federal affairs coordinator for Demos, a New York-based advocacy group on economic issues, is following the credit bill of rights’ progress and lobbying to include as many consumer protections in it as possible. Here’s his quick analysis of what is in the legislation that’s likely to
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Shannon Buggs
Today, children of wealthy parents are the ones who disproportionately attend college. Meanwhile, student financial assistance at the federal, state and university level has shifted away from a needs-based approach, leaving low-income and moderate-income students sitting at home.
In the media
Beth Shulman
Eighty-four percent of black households carry credit card debt, compared with 54% of white households, according to Demos, a public policy research organization. More than 90% of black families earning $10,000 to $24,999 a year had credit card debt.
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Yolanda Young
The Electoral College is provided for in the United States Constitution. The filibuster is not. In fact, the word doesn't appear in any of our founding documents. Its derivation is from the Spanish filibustero, meaning "pirate" or "freebooter." In the legislative context, a filibuster is the use of
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Teenage Research Unlimited, a youth research firm, reported that about 10 percent of teens own at least one credit card. "Generation Broke," a study by Demos, reported that between 1992 and 2001, debt has risen by 104 percent among 18- to 24-year-olds. Demos is a nonpartisan public policy research
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The Galtists tend to end up in long arguments with their opposites: the Rawlsian liberals who believe life is luck, and so too with the bulk of achievement. Impressive as a corporate titan may appear, his success is truly testament to a thousand variables far outside his control. Good genes and
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Ezra Klein
On Tuesday, Sallie Mae reported that student debt over the past four years has been rising faster than blood alcohol levels at a beer pong tournament. Student debt shot up 44 percent over the past four years, with the average senior now carrying a $4,100 load. It only looks to be getting worse. The
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Ryam Grim
Washington, DC — Federal managers and staff from 23 different agencies and offices across the federal government recommended that the President's Open Government Directive create a new government-wide structure that will transform how the government involves the American people in key decision
Press release/statement
Gar Alperovitz and Lew Daly provide progressives with some welcome and fresh ammunition for fighting back and for justifying a redistributionist agenda in their new book, Unjust Deserts. Alperovitz and Daly are attempting nothing less than to shift the entire framework for our thinking about
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Thad Williamson
Ancient Wisdom and the Modern Knowledge Economy The moral question is, who owns knowledge? Or who should own knowledge? Put another way, if most of our wealth comes from inherited knowledge — not what we do "today" — then isn't this part of our wealth, this knowledge, something which rightly should
In the media
Lew Daly
Gar Alperovitz