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We all have to grow up, whether we want to or not. The Toys 'R' Us announcement that it is closing its U.S. stores should be a pivotal moment in the maturation of how we as a nation think about wealth and debt, and the rules that make it possible for companies and communities to be resilient.
Connie M. Razza
The 25 bold must-do policies address the top challenges facing hard-working people across America
Press release/statement
The unemployment rate underestimates the problem of joblessness.This underestimation is very significant for African American workers.
Algernon Austin
[T]he pain of retail sector hemorrhaging will be most severe for Black workers considering retail is the second largest Black population employer. Nearly 12 percent of retail workers are Black – close to their overall population ratio. And 54 percent of Black retail workers are supporting households
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George H. Lambert, Jr.
The increased economic anxiety among black and Hispanic workers is not surprising when considering the fact that working-class workers of color tend to be paid less on the job and, therefore, hold less wealth.
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Alex Rowell
There are also the racial disparities among retail employees to contend with.
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Rikki Byrd
Employees would likely contribute less to IRA accounts If the proposal passes, there is a strong indication that U.S. workers will either shift their savings to Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA) accounts, where contributions are taxed immediately or employees and employers will contribute
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Monique Claiborne
Another solution — though one that is often a struggle to achieve — is to unionize, which has worked before in industries like teaching, policing, and manufacturing. “If retail workers were able to organize strong unions across the country, there’s no reason retail jobs couldn’t be good jobs like
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Jess Torres
By eliminating employment credit checks, the bill would remove an unfair and discriminatory barrier to economic mobility and security.
Amy Traub
From the day he launched his campaign with dire warnings about border-crossing “bad hombres,” Donald Trump has preyed on some Americans’ worst biases around immigration. Trump has since exhorted Congress to allocate tens of billions of dollars for a border wall, stepped up arrests of immigrants
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Katherine Culliton-González
Amy Traub