Statement to be attributed to Demos Senior Policy Analyst Lew Daly
Demos strongly supports the Climate and Community Protection Act (CCPA), a bold new policy solution for the climate crisis developed by the NY Renews coalition and currently pending in the New York State Legislature. We believe this vital legislation will protect and strengthen climate-impacted Latinx communities by reducing climate pollution and targeting clean energy investment based on principles of equity and racial justice.
While often couched in the language of future probabilities, for Latinx New Yorkers climate change is already a lived reality and one that only compounds the many social and political challenges faced by Latinx communities, including structural poverty, inadequate health care, racial-ethnic discrimination, and anti-immigrant policies and biases.
In support of all New Yorkers, and specifically Latinx New Yorkers facing climate change, elected leaders in Albany should act swiftly and boldly to pass the CCPA.
*A new report from Demos and the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, entitled Justicia Climática: How the Climate & Community Protection Act Will Increase Resiliency for New York’s Latinx Communities, can be found here.