We need to continue to demand a government committed to protecting Black and brown communities in this moment, and need to continue to push for bold, transformative change.
Demos President K. Sabeel Rahman issued the following statement:
Today, America faces a collective sense of anxiety and uncertainty. Our nation’s future hangs in the balance as votes are counted. We all are holding our breath, knowing that so much is at stake for so many.
Make no mistake: This election remains this close simply because white supremacy, corporate power, and minority-rule institutions like the Electoral College continue to permeate every element of our democracy.
While we do not yet know who the president will be, we are clear that in our democracy every vote matters, and we are working to ensure that every vote counts. A record number of people of color fought to make themselves heard in this election—battling to overcome enormous challenges from rampant voter suppression, to gerrymandered districts, to the power of big money in politics, disinformation, and the blatant weaponization of the judiciary.
We are also clear that our electoral system remains broken. These structural inequities persist as part of a deliberate anti-democratic effort to deter the participation of Black and brown folks, diminish their voices, and perpetuate the inequities of our economy. We still face the ongoing catastrophe of the COVID-19 pandemic, an economic crisis, and deep suffering around the country. To overcome these challenges, we need to continue to demand a government committed to protecting Black and brown communities in this moment, and need to continue to push for bold, transformative change.
The work of building a just and equitable democracy is a long-term fight, that extends beyond any one election, any one candidate, and any one policy campaign. We are committed to the ongoing work of transforming our democracy and economy, and advancing a bold vision of racial equity and inclusion.