New York, NY -- Miles Rapoport, President of Demos, and former Connecticut Secretary of the State, commended current Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill for championing Same Day Registration and other improvements in voting and elections.
By pursuing Same Day Registration, online voter registration, voting rights restoration for persons released from incarceration, an Election Day holiday, among other reforms, Secretary Merrill has put Connecticut on the path to holding the best-run elections in the nation
Today, Secretary Merrill released four sets of recommendations drawn from the proceedings of an Election Performance Task Force that she established in July of last year. The Task Force’s report was also released today. Steven Carbó, Senior Program Director in the Democracy Program at Demos, served on the panel and is testifying today before the Government Administration and Elections Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly.
In response to these developments, Rapoport released the following statement:
“Secretary Merrill, a proven leader in the Connecticut House of Representatives and now in the Secretary of the State’s Office, has done a great service for the people of Connecticut. By pursuing Same Day Registration, online voter registration, voting rights restoration for persons released from incarceration, an Election Day holiday, among other reforms, Secretary Merrill has put Connecticut on the path to holding the best-run elections in the nation.”
“Demos applauds Secretary Merrill for empaneling an Election Performance Task Force of state and national elections experts this past July – including Demos’ Steven Carbó. The Task Force’s report offers a thorough analysis of Connecticut’s elections and concrete suggestions for improved performance. Their recommendations, including Same Day Registration, were adopted by Secretary Merrill and introduced as legislation (HB 5024) by Governor Dan Malloy last month. Demos is proud to testify in support of HB 5024 before the Government Administration and Elections Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly today.”
“Connecticut ranked number 14 in turnout among eligible voters in the 2008 presidential election. The neighboring states of Maine and New Hampshire, both of which allow for Same Day Registration, ranked 3 and 4, respectively. Connecticut can greatly increase voter participation by passing Same Day Registration legislation this year.”
>>> DOWNLOAD The full Task Force report >>>
>>> READ Steven Carbó's Testimony >>>
Both Miles Rapoport and Steven Carbó are available for comment. Please see the contact information above.