Labaton and Demos' Tamara Draut encourage women workers to keep the pressure on city- and state-level legislators ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.
"Find out what your city council is doing in terms of a fair working wage, paid leave, and paid sick days," Draut said. "Get those on the agenda. That is a lever that is much easier to influence." [...]
Demos' Draut urges salaried professional women to sign up to the Fight for $15, and become directly involved in low-wage worker protests.
She asks that middle-class white women recognize that the sort of corporate feminism espoused by the likes of 'Lean In' author (and billionaire) Sheryl Sandberg mostly doesn't apply to women in minimum wage jobs. Those with the time, energy, and resources to devote to advocacy must put in work on behalf of those who are struggling to pay their bills.
"The majority of these women have jobs, not careers they can lean into," Draut said. "If they want to lean in, they need paid leave, childcare, and a decent wage."
Draut believes white women owe it to women of color to become better advocates for progressive causes like minimum wage increases. "That's who voted for Clinton," she said. "That's the only group of women she won." [...]