In 2022 we saw a rise in worker power and a new generation of unions. Angela Hanks previews how Biden can meet this moment and why a multiracial democracy is essential for a thriving economy.
Demos Chief of Programs Angela Hanks joins Moms Rising CEO Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner to break down the the latest with our economy and inflation — and what it means to you, with additional guests covering the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program and how you can help it pass through Congress; and we hear organizing tips for making much-needed policy changes near you!
*Special guests include: Daniel Hains, ZERO TO THREE, @zerotothree; Angela Hanks, Demos; @Demos_Org, @angelahanks; Averi Pakulis, First Focus on Children, @Campaign4Kid; and Monifa Bandele, MomsRising, @MomsRising