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Twelve years since the enactment of the NVRA, states across the country have regularly failed to comply with public assistance voter registration requirements.

Policy Briefs
Doug Hess
Scott Novakowski

By passing EDR legislation, Nebraska would be taking a major step towards expanding access to the democratic process to all Nebraskans.

Testimony and Public Comment
Stuart Comstock-Gay
New York — The United States Census practice of counting prisoners in their districts of incarceration rather than their home districts for the purpose of establishing electoral and Congressional representation is a violation of international treaty. This month, the non-partisan public policy and
Press release/statement
New York — Provisional ballots were a significant source of voter frustration and administrative problems at polling places during the 2006 election, according to a new report, A Fallible 'Fail-safe': An Analysis of Provisional Balloting Problems in the 2006 Election. The new study, published this
Press release/statement

Results of a telephone survey of local election officials in Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Steven Carbó
Stuart Comstock-Gay
Regina M. Eaton
New York, NY — This week the Supreme Court agreed to hear Crawford v. Marion County Election Board and Indiana Democratic Party v. Rokita, a controversial lawsuit about the constitutionality of voter ID laws enacted since the disputed 2000 election. Though the debate has been defined by partisanship
Press release/statement
Missouri — Today, Demos and Project Vote, representing the community group ACORN, sent a letter of intent to sue the Missouri Department of Social Services if the state doesn't comply with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to provide voter registration opportunities in public assistance
Press release/statement

On the problems with legislative proposals that would mandate strict photo identification requirements for voting.

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright

Although photo ID and proof of citizenship proposals are offered as necessary to prevent fraud in elections, we know that the facts do not warrant these extreme measures.

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright
New York, NY — North Carolina is taking a number of steps to be in full compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, specifically its requirement that states offer voter registration opportunities in public assistance agencies, according to a new report published this week by Demos
Press release/statement