Challenge to halt implementation of an Indiana state law that would have purged voters without notice based on unreliable third-party data from the Crosscheck program.
While Florida’s purges of felons from voter rolls in 2000 have received national attention, little is known about the procedures other states use. To shed some light on these procedures, we surveyed the purge processes of 15 states.
Election Day Registration (EDR), which allows eligible voters to register and cast a ballot on Election Day, is a reform that reduces the unnecessary disfranchisement of eligible voters that may be caused by arbitrary registration deadlines.
As part of an effort to reshape rules around debt and lending to reduce racial wealth inequality, we propose establishing a public credit registry to gradually replace the current for-profit credit reporting system.
Demos requests that the Department of Justice investigate a potential violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by the President of the United States.
Challenge to halt Texas’ threatened removal of thousands of naturalized citizens from the voter registration rolls based on wholly unreliable and unverified accusations of non-citizen voting.
Challenge to guarantee that public assistance clients in Ohio receive the voter registration services required by Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act.
In 2012, Michigan passed a law that allowed the governor to appoint emergency managers in municipalities, depriving local elected officials of governing power. It overwhelming affected communities of color. We filed an amicus brief in opposition to it.
Challenge to Florida Secretary of State's and 32 Florida counties' failure to to provide Spanish-language ballots and other election materials and assistance to voters educated in Puerto Rico.
Challenge to Arizona’s failure to provide voter registration services required under federal law when residents interact with the state motor vehicle agency.
A legal suit to guarantee that public assistance clients in Georgia receive the voter registration services required by Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act.
Challenge to guarantee that public assistance clients in Massachusetts receive the voter registration services required by Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act.
Intervention on behalf of SEIU 1199 United Healthcare Workers East to defend Broward County, Florida from a right-wing group's attempt to bully it into aggressively purging voters.
Challenge to Missouri's failure to provide voter registration services required under federal law when residents interact with the state motor vehicle agency.
Our intervention to prevent the adoption of roll-maintenance practices that would result in the removal of qualified voters from Los Angeles County's voter rolls
Challenge to guarantee that public assistance clients in Missouri receive the voter registration services required by Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act.
The County announced it would “immediately” begin sharing the identities of persons who register to vote through the DMV with the Immigration and Customs Service (“ICE”). This is in violation of Sections 5 and 8 of the NVRA.