Demos requests that the Department of Justice investigate a potential violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by the President of the United States.
Demos’ Race-Class Narrative (RCN) project developed an empirically-tested narrative on race and class that resonates with all working people and offers an alternative to—and neutralizes the use of—dog-whistle racism.
The County announced it would “immediately” begin sharing the identities of persons who register to vote through the DMV with the Immigration and Customs Service (“ICE”). This is in violation of Sections 5 and 8 of the NVRA.
Florida’s returning citizen leaders filed the brief to ensure full protection of Amendment 4 in their continued efforts to engage, empower and protect returning citizens and their right to vote.
The Public Interest Law Foundation has made such misleading and irresponsible claims before, and, when tested, they have uniformly proven to be unreliable and misleading.
The global coronavirus pandemic threatens to disrupt the Presidential
Preference Primary election in Florida. The extension of vote-by-mail options and other accommodations at polling places is necessary.
FRRC offers this brief to make three points informed by its experience working with formerly convicted persons struggling to participate in Florida’s democracy under the strictures of SB7066.
Why this lawsuit was filed challenging South Dakota’s numerous violations of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), what a federal court found in the suit, and what the case's settlement agreement means for voters in South Dakota.
In 2019, progressive organizations, funders, academics, artists, and more came together to strategize about what must be done to face and address the crises undermining our democracy.
These resources are designed to support federal employees and their partners who are working to implement voter registration at federal agencies, as required by President Biden’s March 7, 2021, Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting.
On a new survey which finds that hedge funds and traders of stocks and bonds are predicted to see bonuses drop by as much as 10 percent from last year.
This week we're bringing you a deep dive into how an intersectional approach to money in politics brings new voices to the movement and helps those who are most harmed by big money politics take a stronger leadership role within the movement to stop it.