Demos Senior Campaign Strategist Vijay Das gave the following prepared remarks at a rally in front of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau headquarters urging President Trump to follow the letter of the law and allow the Senate to confirm a new Director.

Vijay Das' Prepared Remarks

Thank you.

This agency has a pretty long name. I often mess it up. But I never forget the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's purpose.

Fight fraud. Fight Scammers. Fight abuse. All too prevalent today.

For six years, the Bureau has championed the interests of the many -- Patients, students, vets, workers, parents, homeowners. 

For the victims of the financial crisis, it's restored order. Hope.

Donuts in hand, Trump's stand-in walks in today with a set agenda. Create chaos. Destroy morale. Hand the government to Wall Street. Hand it to the sharks. Hand it to the lobbyists.

Cordray knows this. 

There's only one person ready to lead the Bureau. It's English. We must let her do so. The democratic process can then produce a qualified head.