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Press release/statement

VP for Legal Strategies Brenda Wright Responds to the Supreme Court's Decision to Review Landmark Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

NEW YORK -- Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it will review the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a landmark law in the advancement of voting rights. 

In response to this decision, Vice President for Legal Strategies Brenda Wright released the following statement:

"For over 45 years Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act has stood as a bulwark against racial discrimination in voting. When the Supreme Court last reviewed a case challenging the constitutionality of Section 5, it failed to reach a decision on the merits and left the issue open for another day. That day is here.

The decision in this case will reveal whether the Roberts Court really wants to make its mark as the Court that strikes down the cornerstone law affirming America’s commitment to overcoming our troubled history of racial discrimination in voting.

"However, the events of the last three years have if anything only strengthened the case for the continued need for the protections of Section 5. Both the Department of Justice and several federal courts have found that states covered by Section 5 have engaged in clear racial discrimination in redistricting and in the enactment of laws placing new and unwarranted restrictions on the right to vote.

"The decision in this case will reveal whether the Roberts Court really wants to make its mark as the Court that strikes down the cornerstone law affirming America’s commitment to overcoming our troubled history of racial discrimination in voting.

"Demos will work with allies throughout the country to help make the case for upholding this crown jewel of American civil liberties."

Wright recently wrote on Section 5 in the Rutgers Law Review. Read Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act – Have the Past Three Years Strengthened the Case for its Constitutionality?

Please see the contact information above to reach Wright for comment.
