Washington, DC – Today, the Congressional Progressive Caucus in conjunction with progressive groups released a plan to create millions of jobs and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure. In response, Vijay Das, Senior Campaign Strategist at Demos, said:
“Demos enthusiastically endorses the progressive infrastructure jobs resolution and Rep. Ted Lieu’s bill that were unveiled today. This plan would create millions of jobs while rebuilding our decaying water systems, schools, bridges, and highways; transitioning the nation thoughtfully to a clean-energy future; and increasing access to opportunity by making high-speed broadband internet networks available to all, expanding our overburdened rail system, and modernizing our airports, ports, and our waterways.
“This smart and principled investment resolution prepares the country to thrive in the 21st Century. It will get us there through direct investments in living-wage jobs for struggling communities, women, and people of color. And, it ensures that our investments meet community needs and gives everyone an equal chance to succeed.
“This plan stands in stark contrast to the scheme President Trump and his economic team have outlined. Like much of his economic agenda, Trump plans to offer a massive giveaway to Wall Street executives and his corporate friends. His plan won’t create jobs in communities that need them the most. Not only would Trump give $1 trillion to his friends, he would sign over future rights to our roads, bridges, broadband…anything Wall Street billionaires, his corporate cronies, and even foreign governments think will profit them. The threat in this is not only that they would be able to gouge us at will. Our infrastructure is made up of the things we all need, have all contributed to, and all own together; however, Trump’s scam would remove our democratic say over the very things on which we all most rely. That’s a bad deal.”