WHAT: Press call about upcoming SCOTUS Case McCutcheon v. FEC featuring NAACP, Sierra Club, Communications Workers of America, People For The American Way Foundation, Greenpeace, Main Street Alliance, OurTime.org, Rock The Vote, American Federation of Teachers, Working Families Organization, U.S. PIRG and Demos.
WHEN: Friday October 4th, 11:00 AM Eastern
On October 8th, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in its latest money in politics case McCutcheon v. FEC, a case that could become the next Citizens United.
If the Supreme Court strikes down a federal contribution limit it will mean real consequences for real people. The undemocratic power of money in our government blocks progress on many issues—like student debt, economic opportunity, and the environment— and Americans have had enough.
That’s why membership groups representing almost 9.5 million supporters joined Demos to submit a friend-of-the-court brief urging the Court to uphold aggregate contribution limits, as they have in the past. Organizations representing working Americans, conservationists, people of color, young people, and small business owners know that to make meaningful progress on popular issues requires reducing the improper influence of money in our politics and policy.
Demos and U.S.PIRG will present new research projecting the increased amount of money that will come into the system if the aggregate contribution limits are struck down and individuals are allowed to give millions directly to candidates, parties, and PACs.
Join Demos, NAACP, Sierra Club, Communications Workers of America, OurTime.org, People For the American Way Foundation, Main Street Alliance, U.S.PIRG, Rock the Vote, Working Families Party to discuss what’s at stake in McCutcheon v. FEC for the people of America.
RSVP & PHONE INFO: Register here. Dial-In # (855) 212-0212 Meeting ID: 584-014-519
ABOUT THE AMICUS BRIEF: The brief, in the case McCutcheon v. FEC, was authored by Demos, and the unprecedented coalition includes the four principal conveners of the Democracy Initiative (Communications Workers of America, Greenpeace, NAACP, Sierra Club) as well as organizations that represent small businesses (Main Street Alliance), young people (OurTime.org, Rock the Vote), working families (American Federation of Teachers, Working Families Organization), and the public interest (People For the American Way Foundation, U.S. PIRG). Read it here.