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Taifa Smith Butler

Letter from the President

"We must rewrite the rules so that people rule. This is what The Dēmos Power Agenda: A Framework for Building People Power is all about."

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.  Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

After working more than 20 years advancing equitable policy solutions in the South, where the vestiges of systemic racism were prominent, I learned that people power is a vital ingredient to changing systems and advancing a more inclusive vision for America.  

I came to Dēmos determined to keep the people power, especially people of color, in my vision for America so that we all can thrive. 

I came to Dēmos determined to keep the people power, especially people of color, in my vision for America so that we all can thrive. Dēmos founders posited that the health and vitality of our democracy are connected to our economy. For nearly 25 years, Dēmos has been working at the intersection of democracy reform, economic justice, and racial justice to ensure everyone has a say in our democracy and a chance in our economy.  From debt-free college to getting money out of politics to expanding voting rights, we leveraged litigation and legal advocacy, research, and policy campaigns to reform our economic and democratic systems.  

In essence, we must rewrite the rules so that people rule. 

Political power and economic power are inextricably linked. To reach our vision of a just, inclusive multiracial democracy and economy, we must build durable governing power for the people, the demos, the root of democracy.  In essence, we must rewrite the rules so that people rule. This is what The Dēmos Power Agenda: A Framework for Building People Power is all about. 

For champions of racial equity and justice, we’ve seen progress. However, the current terrain is tumultuous as we face a shift in the political and public sphere away from equity, inclusion, and freedom for all. Liberty and freedom are universally held values— especially for the rising American electorate. 

As America grows more diverse and we welcome a New American demos that includes people of color, young people, women, and other formerly marginalized people, we must reject the resurgence of white supremacy, hate, and the threat of authoritarianism. We must reject the fearmongering and racist dog whistles that stoke anxiety and normalize xenophobia, racism, and sexism. We must reject the power hoarding from wealthy elites or policymakers beholden to corporate or monied interests.   

Together, we must envision an America where all people—including people of color, immigrants, and people impacted by the criminal legal system—can experience the same liberty and justice that was crafted in the Declaration of Independence but initially excluded us.  

As efforts from the conservative right try to silence the telling of American history—through policymaking no less—we must remember our history so that we don’t repeat it.  Some of this history includes how the American capitalistic system was built on the enslavement of African people and stolen indigenous lives and land; policies that restricted the economic mobility of Black and brown people and women through exclusionary laws; and domestic terror perpetuated by white supremacists on Black and brown Americans trying to exercise their right to vote, work with dignity, or demand fair wages.  

Our fates continue to be linked and our collective liberation remains our rallying cry. 

As Dr. King declared, “power without love is reckless and abusive.” We believe love, inclusion, interdependence, and equity are the values that will drive our mission to shift and build power to the people—particularly Black and brown people. Our fates continue to be linked and our collective liberation remains our rallying cry. 

Taifa S. Butler 
President, Dēmos 

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