States must now take swift action to design racially equitable voting systems—including dramatically scaling up vote by mail, while also maintaining accessible in-person voting—so communities are not disenfranchised this fall.
Governors cannot wait until the fall to dramatically expand vote by mail; they must heed the warnings of public health experts and provide funding needed to mail ballots to every registered voter. Nor can governors rely exclusively on voting by mail; voters need multiple safe options to cast their ballot, including in-person voting. That will require state and local Boards of Elections to start now, by assessing their data and capacity to process mailed ballots, and by creating plans for safe, accessible in-person voting. And it will require Congress to act swiftly to send at least $3.6 billion in election funding to states and localities. Finally, leaders must begin to educate voters about their options to vote safety and efficiently this year. Time is running short, and no less than our democracy hangs in the balance.