On March 4, Manhattan Federal Judge Loretta Preska upheld an NRC decision to let Indian Point operator Entergy use insulation that withstands fire for only 27 minutes.
The NRC usually requires that insulation on cables that control reactor core shutdown must withstand fire for at least a full hour.
Entergy insisted that other safety and fire-supression systems can handle a plant fire. They include the five-member internal fire brigades on each shift and the nearby volunteer firefighters in the tiny hamlet of Verplanck.
Preska's ruling came in response to a suit filed by former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester) and environmental groups.
Brodsky blasted the ruling.
"These are the cables that control the shutdown of the reactors," he said. "You can't bet the safety of New York on the ability of firefighters to get there in 25 minutes. The consequences are enormous."