This is the face of today's fast food workers -- 70% of whom are over the age of 20, nearly 40% have children and a third of them have spent some time in college, according to U.S. census data. [...]
Public policy group Demos says CEO compensation in the industry just since 2000 quadrupled to $24 million, while average fast food worker's wage only increased 0.3%.
Fast food CEOs also make 1,000 times more than the average worker in the industry.
"The idea that you can work hard and play by the rules and get ahead is disappearing for a large number of American workers," said Catherine Ruetschlin, an analyst at Demos. "As for the American Dream, it's not as easy as people think to leverage into upward mobility from low wage jobs."
Read the report: Fast Food Failure: How CEO-to-Worker Pay Disparity Undermines the Industry and the Overall Economy