Adam Lioz, who is counsel and senior adviser for the campaign finance reform advocacy group Demos, agrees, telling Truthout he is confident that the president will select a nominee with a strong record on campaign finance reform, but is more worried about whether the president will be able to move forward any potential nominee at all.
"There is a reason that [Republican Majority Leader] Sen. [Mitch] McConnell and his allies have gone to such extreme measures to obstruct any nominee by the president, and that's because they know that this 1% Supreme Court has been a defender of the powerful and the Big Money interests, and Senator McConnell is doing everything in his power to keep it that way," Lioz said, citing the US Constitution's clear mandate that the Senate must consider the president's nominees. "[McConnell] is using every procedural trick in the book to stop up what should be a regular, orderly process in which every president has been given the due consideration of his nominee."