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Collage of New York City Map, Protestors, Bank Building, Statue of Liberty
“By shifting the focus of finance from private profits to the public welfare, public banks can begin to repair harms caused by longstanding discriminatory practices against Black and brown people.”
Press release/statement
Rusty water faucet
8 Years after Flint and more recently in Pittsburgh, we’re reminded of the dangers of water privatization and why we need to keep water as a public good.
Daniella Zessoules
Multiracial group holding hands
Demos President Taifa Butler explains what true democracy looks like, and why what we have right now just ain’t it.
In the media
"Demos celebrates this moment and remains committed to continued work toward a Court that aligns with the ongoing project of building a multiracial, inclusive democracy."
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
Congress still has an opportunity to craft another legislative package and resuscitate crucial elements of the Build Back Better package.
Daniella Zessoules
Organizers from the Texas Organizing Project (TOP) have been working to change the balance of power in the county to ensure a more equitable distribution of disaster funding, so that the people most impacted by climate change have the most say in how that funding is spent.
Daniella Zessoules
Everything about this law is thoroughly anti-democratic and designed to silence Black and brown people as the number of Floridians of color who are eligible to vote increases.
Press release/statement
People of Color Voting With Face Masks On
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has pushed changes that critics say made it harder to vote.
In the media
Lori Rozsa
Houses flooded from Hurricane Harvey in Texas
Grassroots organizers in Texas offer a blueprint for cementing equity into local recovery efforts.
Daniella Zessoules
"TOP’s success reflects what’s possible when people of color organize around what matters most to them and advocate for a seat at the table."
Press release/statement