In a speech at the Rose Garden today, Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would not be running for president. In his speech, Biden laid out what would have been his agenda and highlighted the issues that matter to working and middle class families across the country, calling out money in politics (“The middle class will never have a fighting chance as long as the wealthiest families control the process,) college affordability ("We need to commit to 16 years of free public education to our children," and childcare (“Childcare is the one biggest barrier for working-class families”).
A consistent proponent of working-class Americans, Vice President Biden spoke in favor of bold and necessary solutions—high-quality childcare, debt-free college, and getting big money out of politics—even while bowing out of the presidential contest. He showed unequivocally that fixing the issues our families are facing is above partisan politics, and that government can and should play a role in making our lives better and more equitable.
At Demos, we’ve long been supporters of these policies. We hope that Biden will keep speaking out on these issues throughout the campaign, and continue lifting up the needs and aspirations of the working and middle class.