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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

American families are struggling in an increasingly volatile economy defined by job instability, continued layoffs in the guise of "downsizing", and declining employee benefits--factors augmented by new trends like outsourcing and unfettered trade. The result is a fragile alliance between workers

Public Briefing is an occasional white paper series by the Public Works program of Demos. These papers include summaries of research and reports as well as essays and articles related to the work of the program. An analysis of the images of government in the public mind.
Policy Briefs
Public Briefing is an occasional white paper series by the Public Works program of Demos. These papers include summaries of research and reports as well as essays and articles related to the work of the program. Key findings from the first round of cognitive interviews.
Policy Briefs

States are failing low-income communities and our nation's democracy by not adequately complying with federal law that requires human services agencies to provide voter registration services.

Steven Carbó
Lucy Mayo
Mike Slater
Jennifer Wheary
Associate Director of the Democracy Program Ludovic Blain testifies before the Vermont House Government Operations Committee regarding Election Day Registration.
Testimony and Public Comment
While real income gains were realized during the economic boom over the latter half of the 1990s, the average American's credit card debt rose faster than ever before. While balances grew faster for white families than for African-American and Hispanic families, all groups experienced a significant
Policy Briefs
Rebecca Epstein
An issue briefing kit on the real causes of debt and bankruptcy. Intended for legislators, journalists and advocates.
Tamara Draut

In April 2005 Demos urged Congress to recognize the fragility of our debt driven consumer economy when considering the bankruptcy "reform" bill (S. 256/H.R. 685) that had been passed by the Senate and was under consideration in the House of Representatives. American families are not suffering from

Policy Briefs
Tamara Draut
Javier Silva
Heather C. McGhee

After a careful review of dozens of surveys and thousands of survey questions, most conducted within the past five years, the author categorized several images of government that emerge from existing surveys. These images are somewhat subjective and are simply intended to illuminate patterns in

Policy Briefs