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From cutting-edge policy research to illuminating analysis, we bring a racial equity lens to the most pressing issues facing our country. For our latest blog posts and media updates, visit our Media page.

A Demos briefing book, with state-and federal-level application, to help elected officials advance new policies that promote electoral participation and provide all Americans with access to a stable, secure middle class.
Policy Briefs
In recent years, citizens, the media and political experts have expressed growing concern over redistricting--the process of drawing new district lines to determine which residents will be grouped together when electing representatives. This concern has focused on the steady decline in
Steven Carbó

This memo outlines how the Justices lined up on the issues in Randall v. Sorrell, provides some analysis of the opinions, and touches on the implications for future reform efforts.

Policy Briefs
Brenda Wright
Although Americans of all ages have endured the economic and social changes of the post-industrial era, today's young people are the first to experience its full weight as they try to start their adult lives. But the challenges facing young adults also reflect the failure of public policy to address
Policy Briefs
The United States faces major challenges in sustaining a strong middle class in the decades ahead. Rapidly changing, often volatile economic conditions are making it more difficult to enter the middle class -- and stay there. Even as the bar to a middle class life is raised higher, economic
Jennifer Wheary
  The Brennan Center for Justice, Demos and the Legal Action Center call upon the New York State Board of Elections to end the systematic practice of illegally disenfranchising thousands of eligible voters.  A survey of 63 local election boards conducted late last year by the Brennan Center and
For the first time since its decision in Buckley v. Valeo nearly 30 years ago, the Supreme Court has agreed to review the  constitutionality of campaign spending limits.  The case,  Randall v.  Sorrell, No. 04-1528, raises issues that go to the heart of our democracy.  Vermont’s comprehensive reform
Policy Briefs

Testimony on the need to restore Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act’s protections against purposeful racial discrimination in jurisdictions that are subject to the Section 5 preclearance requirement.

Testimony and Public Comment
Brenda Wright
This new Demos report, published in collaboration with Business Ethics Magazine, explores growing efforts by state and local governments to ensure corporate accountability. It looks at the changing role of state treasurers, labor pension funds, and others working to demand more responsible business
David Smith
Nicholas Greenberg
Public Briefing is an occasional white paper series by the Public Works program of Demos. These papers include summaries of research and reports as well as essays and articles related to the work of the program. Key findings from the second round of cognitive interviews about public perceptions of
Policy Briefs