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Demos Logo-staff placeholder

Eliana Golding

Associate Director, Budget and Tax Policy
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Candace Milner

Senior Policy Analyst
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Nick Wertsch

Associate Director, Workplace Justice

Erosion of Chevron deference would be a massive win for corporations and the conservative legal movement, at the expense of the public interest.

Policy Briefs
Ashley Tjhung

Introducing a framework rooted in racial equity designed to amplify new narratives around power.


As states impose new voter suppression tactics, the push for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is crucial to ensure equal voting rights for all.

Policy Briefs
Neda Khoshkhoo
Phi Nguyen
Taifa Smith Butler, Malaika Jabali, and Udochi Onwubiko from Fireside chat
A fireside chat on why our economy is gaslighting us and how to build a better future
Ilana Novick
A diverse group of people voting at the local community center
Private citizens must retain the right to challenge anti-voter laws
Press release/statement
Phi Nguyen

This resource guide is intended to help advocates and local leaders make common-sense improvements to current voter removal practices and oppose bad bills that limit access to the ballot.

Campaign Legal Center
Common Cause
Fair Elections Center
League of Women Voters
Southern Poverty Law Center
State Voices
Backlit image of a Black family walking towards the setting sun across an open lawn with a toddler looking over their father's shoulder toward the camera
Spending on our collective well-being helps people keep a roof over their heads, feed their families, and help grow our overall economy.
Daniella Zessoules