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Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
"[T]he Court inexplicably bent over backward to presume the good faith of South Carolina lawmakers, despite overwhelming evidence that they racially discriminated against Black voters."
Press release/statement
Phi Nguyen
Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
This ruling reaffirms the sanctity of civic engagement and democratic participation.
Press release/statement

Erosion of Chevron deference would be a massive win for corporations and the conservative legal movement, at the expense of the public interest.

Policy Briefs
Ashley Tjhung
Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
Civil Rights and Latinx-led organizations are challenging a provision in SB 7050 that prohibits noncitizens from collecting or handling voter registration forms
Press release/statement

Introducing a framework rooted in racial equity designed to amplify new narratives around power.

Julie Su in the foreground with U.S. government buildings in the background with a blue overlay
This women’s history month, we celebrate Acting Secretary Julie Su’s leadership and call on the Senate to stop this egregious delay and confirm her as nominee.
Daniella Zessoules

As states impose new voter suppression tactics, the push for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is crucial to ensure equal voting rights for all.

Policy Briefs
Neda Khoshkhoo
Phi Nguyen
Voters of color at the voting booths
The Administration has an opportunity to eliminate barriers to the ballot box and empower millions in historically excluded communities
Ashley Tjhung
Person of color looking at their "I Voted" sticker
Federal court rules in favor of voting and immigrants' rights advocates challenging Florida's SB7050
Press release/statement
Protestors behind the Capitol Dome with an activist with a megaphone in the foreground
Black History Month is an opportunity to look to our past for lessons on our future path to justice, economic security and stronger democracy everyone deserves.