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Kiara Pesante Haughton
Pesante Haughton uses communications and storytelling to drive change in oppressive systems.
Keep Abortion Legal Sign at protest on SCOTUS steps
The same lawmakers working to make it harder to vote have also worked to overturn the constitutional right to abortion. These efforts to control our bodies, our lives, and our futures are also threats to our democracy, and that's why the Biden Administration must integrate voter registration into
Sharné Haywood
Rusty water faucet
Profit-seeking companies should not control what should be free, basic, and universal necessities.
Daniella Zessoules
woman with bills
If we are to make any progress toward a just, inclusive, multiracial economy and democracy, we must shift power toward Black women.
In the media
Taifa Smith Butler
Voter Registration Application Form
In the midst of extreme efforts to undermine our democracy we need our government to take urgent action to protect and promote the fundamental right to vote
Laura Williamson
Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
PR Veteran, Political Strategist to Lead Communications Team
Press release/statement
Railroad workers
In the media
Jeff Stein
Tyler Prager
Lauren Kaori Gurley
For Us, Not Amazon Coalition holding protest signs
How Northern Virginia activists and community members are organizing to prevent one of the biggest corporations in the world from taking over the civic, social and political life of Northern Virginia and beyond.
Daniella Zessoules

Why this lawsuit was filed challenging South Dakota’s numerous violations of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), what a federal court found in the suit, and what the case's settlement agreement means for voters in South Dakota.

Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
"Ensuring that all eligible South Dakotans, particularly Native Americans who have been systemically disenfranchised by the state, have the right to vote puts us a step closer to realizing a more just, inclusive, democracy.”
Press release/statement